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Get Involved

There are many ways you can get involved with the Bio-Inspired Textile Project.

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The Bio-Inspired Textiles team, supported by the Craft Council, is looking for skilled textile practitioners to attend workshops and get paid to develop biologically informed textile artefacts to help us answer the question:


Can biology help us design more sustainable textiles?


Application Information
Apply now


This project, supported by Design & Technology association and the craft council will produce a series of resources for teachers (KS1-KS4) to engage with Bio-Inspired Textile approaches.


If you are a teacher and would like to help us test our resources with your pupils (at any level) we would like to hear from you. 

Expression of Interest


Whether you are a students from design, material science or the material engineering fields we would like you to get involved. 


Sign up to our mailing list, follow us on instagram and watch this space for opportunities to work with us on this project. 

Join our mailing list


If you work in the textile industry and would like to know more about the project please contact us. 



Get in touch
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