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One day online workshop

1 September 2021


1x 45 minutes individual online session

8-22 September 2021


Proposal Deadline 

1 week after your individual online session 

14-28 September 2021


Selection of funded makers

1 October 2021


Individual and Group meetings 

October -  November 2021


Deadline for completed prototypes 

17 November 2021



Collaboration Information


Congratulations you have been selected to take part in the next stages of the Bio-Inspired Textiles (BIT) maker collaboration. 




You have successfully made it through the initial application, confirmed your place and now you are through to the next stages of the collaboration. 


Please read through the below information and then confirm that you are happy to proceed

Deadline to confirm your place: 6 August 2021








Proposal preparation (September 2021)

You will be invited to create a project proposal in three phases:


  1. Attend a one day online introductory workshop - 1 September 2021

  2. Attend a one-to-one online session with the BIT team - 8-22 September 2021

  3. Submit a 500-word project proposal to the BIT team within a week of their individual one–to-one session - 14-28 September 2021


The project proposal will be developed after the workshop and supported by BIT team during your one-to-one session. More information regarding what we will be expecting will be provided during the workshop. You do not need to do anything before this date. 


Makers will be informed of the BIT Teams decision on or before 1 October 2021




Prototype development (October-November 2021)

Following the completion of Stage one, the BIT team will select a small number of applicants to fund to carry out their proposed projects and create prototypes.

Successful makers will:


  • receive a fixed fee of £1,500 (inc. VAT) to cover materials, time and any other costs related to the project, paid upon receipt of final prototypes. 

  • be supported by the BIT team with a limited number of by-weekly one-to-one and group sessions - October -  November 2021

  • have 6 weeks to develop the final artefacts in their project proposal submitted during Stage one - 1 October 2021 - 17 November 2021

  • be required to assign all intellectual property rights in any work which they create during the project to UAL. A licence will be granted back to applicants for certain purposes, details of which will be set out in UAL Terms and Conditions.




  • you will be expected to access your own facilities to implement the creative work yourself (in its entirety) within a 6 weeks period;

  • you will have full control over the creative process but are expected to record progress using photography and/or film;

  • you will be expected to act as advocates for the BIT research project during active participation and when using the resources after the project completion; and

  • you must create digital and physical copies of each conceptual prototype for BIT that could be exhibited publicly and be used for education and research purposes.


Funding is conditional on the relevant tax review being made by UAL and successful applicants signing up to UAL’s Terms and Conditions.




Stage one applicants whose proposals are not selected to progress to Stage two will be encouraged, if they wish, to continue taking part in the BIT project with the full support of the BIT team, on a voluntary, no fee, flexible basis.


Individuals working on a voluntary basis will be asked to grant a licence of their digital work for UAL to use for educational, research and promotional purposes. They will be asked to sign a short letter agreement with UAL for their role in the BIT project.


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